Monday, November 18, 2013

News, News, News!

Wow! It has been SO long since I've blogged. :) So much to share, now that I finally have a little more energy to get on here... since I'm 12 weeks Pregnant!!! :) We are so very excited and so happy and blessed to be the parents to this little one! Spending lots of time praying and researching names... there is so much in a name and Leif and I really take the meaning of names so seriously, and so enjoy that aspect of naming our baby! 

I am SO happy about being almost through my first trimester!! (Seriously, you have no idea...) It's been pretty rough with the sickness and nausea and trying everything to try to feel better. I seriously have the most amazing husband on the planet taking care of me. I haven't been able to do hardly anything in the kitchen without being sick, and grocery shopping is totally out- so he has really picked up my slack in those areas... actually, every area. I really haven't felt well enough most of the time to do anything. I guess it runs in the family- my mom had it even worse with me! Thanks, Mom for all you went through with me.... I seriously had no idea what you meant when you told me you were really nauseous having me.... 

12 weeks- size of baby!
Yesterday and today I have felt really good and have had a bit more energy. I can't wait to get started organizing stuff... I have so much in my closet that needs to GO! At 6 weeks- I gave away most of my clothes that already weren't working for my body... but I feel like I'm getting a little bigger everyday and I have even more to put in boxes, that I don't feel comfortable in now. I'm loving my maternity pants already- so so comfy on my tummy! :)  I really am enjoying seeing my belly really be a cute pregnant belly instead of just feeling fat- like I have for most of the first trimester. My baby's the size of a plum- about 2 inches! :)

Would really appreciate prayers- as I try to keep good food, and my prenatal vitamins down and for the nausea to totally go away soon! I would love to start craving things- right now pretty much everything just sounds really bad. Thanks so much!

1st Prenatal Appointment is December 2nd! Can't wait to hear the heartbeat!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Arielle! I hope you are feeling much better, enjoying some 2nd (3rd now?) trimester energy and just being pregnant! It's been awhile but I would love to hear how you are doing. I am so happy for you getting to experience this beautiful thing, however hard it can be. We just welcomed baby Gavriel 3 and a half weeks ago and it has been such a delight. I can't believe we have two kids now! It seems crazy.
    Do share how you are. My email address is still the same (will be forwarded).
